California bearing ratio( CBR)
California bearing ratio
California bearing ratio (CBR) is a penetration test for evaluation of the
mechanical strength of natural ground, subgrades and base courses beneath new
carriageway construction. It was developed by the California Department of
Transportation before 2nd World War
Significance and Use
rating was developed for measuring the load-bearing capacity of soils used for
building roads. The CBR can also be used for measuring the load-bearing
capacity of unimproved airstrips or for soils under paved airstrips. The harder
the surface, the higher the CBR rating.
CBR Test at site (ASTM D4429) |
CBR Test in Laboratory( ASTM D1883) |
Nasir Abbasi
California bearing ratio( CBR)
Reviewed by Nasir Bashir
12:10:00 PM
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