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Sand Equivalent Test


The purpose of this test method is to indicate, under standard conditions, the relative proportions of clay-like or plastic fines and dust in granular soils and fine aggregates that pass the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve. The term “sand equivalent” expresses the concept that most granular soils and fine aggregates are mixtures of desirable coarse particles, sand, and generally undesirable clay or plastic fines and dust

Summary of Test Method

 A measured volume of soil or fine aggregate and a small quantity of flocculating solution are poured into a graduated plastic cylinder and are agitated to loosen the claylike coatings from the sand particles in the test specimen. The specimen is then “irrigated” using additional flocculating solution forcing the claylike material into suspension above the sand. After a prescribed sedimentation period, the height of flocculated clay is read and the height of sand in the cylinder is determined. The sand equivalent is the ratio of the height of sand to the height of clay times 100.

Significance and Use

This test method assigns an empirical value to the relative amount, fineness, and character of claylike material present in the test specimen.


Apparatus use for sand Equivalent Test

Nasir Abbasi
Sand Equivalent Test Reviewed by Nasir Bashir on 9:34:00 PM Rating: 5

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